Prep for Success       

                                       925 337-2585


SusanPrep's Fee Schedule


At SusanPrep, we believe in providing the most value for the dollars you spend with us. We've adopted the following practices so that our time together is used most efficiently:


Review and reference materials are provided. We want you to listen and absorb during our sessions, and not have to take a lot of notes. We've prepared review materials that you can refer to during each session, and also take home, so we can get more accomplished when we meet.


We do our homework. At SusanPrep, we recognize that students learn in different ways, and we take pride in customizing our approaches and adapting our teaching and consulting methods to reach each student most effectively. Each time we meet with a student we have a specific lesson plan or agenda for the session, to make sure that the meetings are productive and that no time is wasted.


Chat time not included. We always allow at least 15 minutes between our consulting sessions, so we can extend our time together if a conversation gets off track. You should not have to pay to discuss the weather or last night's game.


*     *     * 

At SusanPrep, there are no long-term contracts or commitments. If you pay for one of our package options in advance, but decide to discontinue for any reason, we'll refund your balance less any discounts applied.



Private Consulting*

(Individual sessions)


        Initial Session  (up to 2  hours)         $249


        Each Additional Hour                      $  90


Prepaid Packages*
(all sessions 2 hours)
        First 6 Hours                                $  549    
        First 12 Hours                              $  899


        First 30 Hours                             $1,899

*Note: ESL services priced under separate schedule. See ESL page for details.